-       By Sachin Hembram

-       Batch(2k19), Deptt. of Chemical Engg.

-       BIT Sindri, Dhanbad

In the modern era of science in world, Cancer is still a potentially deadly disease. It takes second place in terms of death worldwide. It is due to lack of awareness and knowledge about this disease and social practices and too late of treatments of Cancer that caused 70 percent of its occurrence. The lifestyle is now recognized as a main determinant of cancer risk. Public Education is an important component of Cancer control program and has shown to be effective in leading to life style changes.


Cancer is uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in the body, and have gained the ability to divide indefinitely. The signs and symptoms will depend on where the Cancer is, how big it is and how much it affects the organs or tissues. There are over more than 100 types of cancer. Anything that may cause a normal body cell to develop abnormally potentially can cause cancer. They form a subset of neoplasms. A neoplasms or tumor is a group of cells that have undergone unregulated growth and will often form a mass or lump, but may be distributed diffusely.

All tumor cells show the six hallmarks of cancer.

These characteristics are required to produce a malignant tumor. These include

·        Cell growth and division absent the proper signals

·        Continues growth and division even given contrary signals

·        Avoidance of programmed cell death

·        Limitless number of cell division

·        Promoting blood vessel construction

·        Invasion of tissue and formation of metastases

The progression from normal cells to cells that can form a detectable mass to outright cancer involves multiple steps known as malignant progression.


The Chemotherapy is a chemical method for treating cancer tumors. Cocktails of adapted chemicals are ejected into patient to treat the tumor and its metastases in a targeted manner.  As they are injected to react with cancerous cells, injected solution contains chemicals which may also have an impact on healthy cells. Handling Chemotherapy solutions or endure Chemotherapy induce a risk of exposure to those chemicals and to harmful consequences on health. Patient and Health professionals can be at risk. Accidental contamination with cytostatic drugs comes mainly from cutaneous exposure or from or exposure by inhalation or ingestion.

Cytotoxic substances are used in hospitals for chemical treatment of Cancers.

Under the appellation “Cytostatic substance”, gathered a wide number of chemicals used in Chemotherapy. They all have a common property: they inhibit cell proliferation.

It is the property which makes them useful in Chemotherapies against various Cancers.

Due to their large number and great variety, cytostatic molecules can present various chemical properties (electrophilic sites, acidic or basic functionalities, alcohol or amine function.) and are cytotoxic. A cytostatic substance can thus be irritant or corrosive.


Protection of health professionals starts with designing work environments and protocols that are adapted to cytostatic agents’ manipulation. Handling of such Chemicals in dedicated laboratories inside the hospital equipped with fume hoods or glove boxes is recommended. Centralized preparation of Chemotherapies in such laboratories prevent dispersion of cytostatic chemicals through the hospital.


Cancer can be tackled or minimize its chances of happening by taking some Careful measures or by keeping awareness like and more.

1.      By Avoiding Tobacco.

The use of tobacco products has been linked to many types of cancer including lung, colorectal, breast, throat, cervical, bladder, mouth and esophageal. Its never late to quit. Almost 90 percent of lung cancer is related to smoking.

2.     Healthy diet.   

By eating lots of fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. Avoid obesity -By eating lighter food and if taking alcohol then only in moderation.

3.     Physically Active.

Maintaining a healthy weight might lower the risk of various types of cancer including cancer of the breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer.

4.     Getting Vaccination.

Cancer Prevention includes protection from certain viral infections.

5.      By Getting Regular Medical Care.

Regular self-examination and screening for various types of cancers such as skin, colon, cervix and breast can increase the chances of discovering the Cancer early when treatment is more likely to successful.

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