Use of Nanopesticides in Modern day Agriculture



-Batch (2k21)

- Deptt. of Chemical Engineering

- B.I.T Sindri

Introduction to Nanopesticides: -

Without harming the biodiversity in the area, nanotechnology has provided excellent alternatives for insect pest management in agriculture, allowing for a more harmonious environment.

Nanopesticides are nanostructures used to transport agricultural components that have two to three dimensions and range in size from 1 to 200 nm. When opposed to free insecticides, the loading of agrochemical ingredients into nanoparticles offers advantages due to their special features. However, a new category of environmental trash is being generated due to the rapid development of novel designed nanoparticles for pest management. Innovative nanopesticides are nanoparticles created to protect plants, minimize application losses, improve stability, boost leaf coverage, and decrease the amounts of formulation components. Formulations for nanopesticides can be split into active encapsulating components such nano emulsion, polymeric nanoparticles, lipide nanoparticles, and nanotubes, as well as self-organized systems like liposome, dendrimers, metallic and bimetallic nanoparticles.

Production has also been negatively impacted by the indiscriminate use of pesticides applied against harmful insects and pests. This has led to increased environmental imbalance, disease and insect resistance. This increased need for new agrochemicals to ensure the protection of the crops from various pests (pathogens, harmful insects, parasitic weeds) thus increasing production and productivity.





Disadvantages of conversational pesticides: -

Pesticides are considered one of the important components of crop protection measures and have been used widely in agriculture. Their use during the green revolution era contributed significantly towards increasing the crop yields besides the use of high-yielding crop varieties alone.

The book “Silent Spring” published by Rachel Carson in early 1960s drew our attention to the environmental risks associated with their use. Pesticide overuse causes off-target waste accumulation and poor targeted delivery, both of which lead to pesticide resistance and mutations in the target pest's genetic makeup. Pesticide drift results in the loss of the majority of pesticides, posing environmental risks. The environment either hydrolyzes or biodegrades the active ingredients released by pesticide formulations. By leaching, they can even contaminate the surrounding area.

Various researches have shown that only 0.1% of the pesticides applied (spray, soil, seed treatment, etc.) reach the target, while the remaining 99.9% leaks into the surrounding environment leading to soil and groundwater pollution, which ultimately hampers the ecological imbalance.




Benefits of Nano pesticides: -

To strike a dynamic balance between agricultural production and environmental sustainability, nanotechnology most likely offers a novel platform. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the application of nanopesticides in agriculture can significantly reduce costs, enhance shelf life, and improve nutritional value of agricultural products.

They are designed specifically to increase the solubility of insoluble or poorly soluble active ingredients and to release the biocide in a controlled and targeted manner, in contrast to conventional pesticide formulations. As a result, the application only requires a smaller amount of an active ingredient per area. Producing costs, non-target effects, and phytotoxicity are all reduced as a result of the reduced dose. Additionally, it is essential that controlled-release formulations remain inactive until the active in-gradient is released.

For e.g.: -Different nanopesticides like atrazine, that is mostly sprayed on sugarcane and maize crops, can induce DNA damage by a chemical reaction with adenine and guanine bases of the DNA.






Experiment on snails: -


The leaves, fruits, roots, tubers, and seeds of important economic plants and field crops are frequently damaged by terrestrial snails. They are currently regarded as Egypt's primary agricultural and economic pest, reducing crop yields. The conical snail (Cochlicella acuta) is considered one of the most hazard pests in Egypt. This pest causes damage to infested, grain crops and pastures by chewing or rasping the plant leaves while the chocolate banded snail, (Massylaea vermiculata,) which was previously known as “Eobania vermiculata” is one of the most harmful snails to many vegetables’ fruits and field crops in many regions in Egypt. This pest species was also recorded in Europe, Japan, the USA, Australia, and Egypt.


Nano formulations were created from three conventional pesticide formulations: chlorfenapyr, imidacloprid, and indoxacarb. Adults of the conical snail, Cochlicella acuta, and the chocolate banded snail, Massylaea vermiculata, were tested against the toxicity of these nanoformulations.

Results: -

The findings revealed that the nanoparticle sizes, which ranged from 220 to 534, were nanosized, and that the loading capacities of the selected pesticides on polymer were, respectively, 65.3±6.4, 62.8±5.3 and 37.1±0.4%percent for nanochlorfenapyr, nanoimidacloprid, and nanoindoxacarb. The nanochlorfenapyr was the most toxic against both the C. acuta and M. vermiculata followed by nanoindoxacarb and nanoimidacloprid.

Conclusion: -

These findings confirmed that the chocolate banded snail (“M. vermiculata”) was less susceptible to all of the tested pesticides than the corresponding conical snails. The efficiency of nanochlorfenapyr, nanoindoxacarb and nanoimidacloprid on conical snails (6.1, 7.7 and 14.9 ppm, respectively) was about one forth when compared with M. vermiculata (23.1, 31.9 and 60.6 ppm, respectively). The findings also demonstrated that the nano formulation's effectiveness extended beyond its direct killing of the tested snails to include its repellent properties.


The lunch box approach: -

The lunch box approach is mainly inspired from the mechanism of the” fake promises” and to attract the prey such as, predator spiders providing same sex signals as of moth to attract them and making of silk wrapped gifts by male spiders in order to mate with the female spider. Nanopesticides should, ideally, kill a target without harming other species or organisms by luring it. By combining a semio-chemical with a nano-delivery system, the nano lunch-box strategy eliminates the described randomness of encountering the pesticide.



Here, we present such an approach, called the “lunch-box” or “deadly-goodies” approach.


 It consists of three main steps:-

(1) the lure,

 (2) the box and

(3) the kill.

The aim is to make the pest organism wish to approach the encapsulated pesticide, i.e., using the attract-to-kill approach at the nanoscale.


The lure: -

The lunch-box method requires that the pest organism be seduced into this "belief" that it perceives an advantage in locating or being close to the "lunch”. According to studies pheromones can be embedded in nanogels or polymer fibers by anchoring highly appealing chemicals on the surface of a nanocarrier. Semiochemicals, are the volatile compounds that indicate attraction and mating, food, or more broadly host-detecting chemicals, are potential attractants. Even at very low concentrations, these chemicals can be detected by organisms and induce a response that overrides many of an organism's natural "fears". These chemicals can be highly species-specific.

The b0x: -

In this method, if a pest organism is drawn to the lunchbox, it must "open". The carrier must be made of something that can be eaten or digested, like cellulose or pectin. Gut digestive enzymes or physical–chemical factors may initiate the "opening”. The stability of the carrier, its ability to be opened, and especially the timing of the box's opening is all dependent on the material properties. Numerous natural materials can be broken down by enzymes found in living things, making them suitable for use in nanocarrier systems. As a result, site-specific pest control could get benefitted from their promotion of the release of active ingredients. Drug delivery and food science research served as inspiration for the majority of these site-specific release systems, whereas agricultural release applications-promoting systems are still in their infancy. Site-specific nanoparticle-based pesticide delivery methods are very interesting because they allow for precise effects on an organism while avoiding ineffective release.

The kill: -

The pesticide can begin working at the intended location without harming any other organisms once the lunchbox is opened. The method allows for the use of more gentle and sophisticated methods in addition to conventional chemicals.

 For example, Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) can be used against various pest species, within the nanocarriers, novel natural or biosynthetic “compounds” can also be employed, e.g., natural chemicals, small-molecule agonists, or novel synthetic RNAi virus like strings.



Conclusion: -

Because the carrier system can protect and ensure proper functioning, the pesticides are more precise and generally cause less harm than conventional pesticide chemicals when used with this system. The “lunchbox” may even be designed to target specific tissues prior to release because nanocarriers can cross the midgut membrane however, development of this feature may take longer. It is possible to adjust what can be contained within the carrier as well as to enhance or inhibit cellular internalization by controlling the size of the carrier, such as between the nano and micro sizes.

In conclusion, the lunch-box concept appears to be extremely promising for the creation of precision nanopesticides that enable targeted release, increased efficiency, and the avoidance of widespread pesticide-related negative effects. The interaction between ecological, nanotechnological, and chemical sciences benefits the approach.







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