-      Batch 2k19 , Deptt. Of Chemical Engg.

-      BIT  Sindri , Dhanbad

Chemistry is not limited to beakers and Laboratories. It's all-round us. Everything we hear, see, smell, taste, and touch somehow or the other involves chemistry. If we observe the animal kingdom, we find remarkable and astonishing use of chemistry. The bird and animal kingdom is flushed with skills and caliber one can only term as extraordinary. We have taken a lot of inspiration from them. Japan's high-speed bullet trains have long, beak-like noses nearly identical to Kingfisher's bill which makes the trains 10% faster and 15% more fuel-efficient and also achieve quiet exit from tunnels which earlier created a loud boom. Also, the first highway reflectors were made to mimic cat eyes.

Fluorescence and Bioluminescence in animals:

Fireflies, frogs, worms, jellyfish, lanternfish, and sometimes even parrots can glow. There are mainly two principles: Fluorescence and Bioluminescence. Talking of fluorescence- It's a physicochemical energy exchange where shorter wavelength photons are absorbed by a molecule and re-emitted as longer wavelength photons. Taking the example of an American polka dot tree frog, in full sunlight the frog appears yellow but in twilight the amphibian's fluorescence makes the creature appear in lime green colour. For any creature to display fluorescence, it needs two things; a molecule with excitable electrons and the right wavelength of light. In the case of the frog, the molecules present in its skin and glands is Hyloin. The molecules absorb a particular wavelength of light and emit a different one causing the frog to glow.          

Fluorescence and Bioluminescence in animals:

Fluorescence and Bioluminescence in animals:

You may have seen the sparkle of fireflies in summer nights. The fireflies produce light through a chemical reaction in their glowing abdomen, a process known as bioluminescence. To emit light due to bioluminescence, we need a molecule called luciferin, an enzyme luciferase, and some amount of oxygen. Luciferase helps luciferin to take in oxygen and convert into a substance called oxyluciferin whose electrons are in an excited state. When the electrons in oxyluciferin come to the ground state, they emit light causing the organism to glow. Luminous species are widely scattered, with no discernible pattern. Luminous shrimps are known but no luminous crabs. Luminous centipedes and millipedes are common but scorpions and spiders are apparently non-existent.

Almost half the animal phyla contain luminous forms but the number of representatives is insignificant compared to total number of known animal species.

Fluorescence and Bioluminescence in animals:

Fluorescence and Bioluminescence in animals:

Bombardier Beetles and their "Chemical Weapon"

This insect has a built-in chemical weapon in its abdomen which they can spray on the predators. The bug stores chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone in one chamber and another chamber consist of enzymes and peroxidases that can react with hydrogen peroxide to form oxygen gas and water. The constituents of both the chamber are released into another chamber known as the reaction chamber and benzoquinone is formed. The reaction is highly exothermic and the mixture could reach up to 100-degree Celsius temperature. The pressure due to the buildup of oxygen causes the hot mixture to spray out. Once the spraying stops, they can reload the chamber and fire again. Some beetles can spray the jet about 20 times before reloading it again. Evolutionists remark that the beetle is actually an excellent example of survival of the fittest. So, if you happen to encounter one such bombardier beetle, just leave it alone.  

Bombardier Beetles and their "Chemical Weapon"

Bombardier Beetles and their "Chemical Weapon"

The spectacular case of electric eels:

Electric eel looks like an eel but is actually a knife fish and is more closely related to catfish than to an eel. Electric eels are in a class amongst the only species in their genus. Under the water where light is scarce, these types of fish use electricity to navigate, communicate, and sometimes even prey. There are more than 350 species of fish which can produce its own electricity, electric eels being one of them.

The fish's brain sends the signal through its nervous system to the electric organ (found in a different place in different species of fish). The organ consists of a special type of cell called electrolytes. Normally electrolytes pump out Sodium and Potassium to maintain a positive charge outside and negative charge inside the cells. When the signal is received by the electrolytes, the ion gate opens causing the positive ion to flow back in. In this case, one face is positively charged inside and negatively charged outside but the far side has an opposite charge pattern. These alternating charges drive a current. The signal from the fish's brain reaches all the cells at the same time making the stack of cells act as batteries connected in series. The current produced by electric eels is about 600 volts quite enough to immobilize their prey. Once the prey or predator is immobilized, the eel can quickly swallow the prey or swim away from the predator.

electric eels

electric eels

Rivalry among Ants:

Fire Ants are an aggressive species of ants mostly found in America. The fire ant has a very painful sting which causes redness and swelling. In some cases, people develop allergic reactions from the fire ant bite, therefore, causing anaphylactic shock. Fire ant venom is mainly composed of a mixture of >95 % bioactive piperidine alkaloids and 0.01 % of proteins, which comprise mainly allergens, phospholipases, and neurotoxins. Fire ants and tawny crazy ants fight over food. Despite being smaller, tawny crazy ants have an advantage because they produce an antidote to the poisonous drop of venom. Tawny Crazy ants produce formic acid which they then rub on themselves as an antidote to fire ant venom. Without this antidote, only half of the poisoned tawny crazy ants could have survived. More in the ant kingdom, we have bullet ants, bulldog ants, jack jumper ants, etc. which can give you a hard time if you disturb them. The bullet ant’s poneratoxin is a small peptide (25 amino acid residues long) neurotoxin that can cause extreme pain, cold sweats, nausea, vomiting, and even abnormal heart rhythms.


Underwater adhesion by mussels:

When it comes to underwater adhesion, mussels are the pro players in this field. Human beings have been trying to make glues that can sustain a wet environment but we are not up to par. These tiny marine organisms have the ability to firmly attach in any surface be glass, rock, plastic, etc. Furthermore, these mussels are capable of achieving adhesion in a variety of conditions such as wet, dry, and salty environments. The adhesive power of these mussels is basically due to two functional groups. The first is 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (Dopa), which sports a catechol side chain that can cross-link with rock surfaces or other adhesive proteins through redox chemistry. The second is a cationic amino acid such as lysine. Poly (catechol-styrene) may be the strongest underwater adhesive found to date.



Defensive strategy of Fall armyworm:

Fall armyworm is popular in destroying crops such as wheat, maize, and rye. Plants like these have built defense compounds called benzoxazinoids. This plant stores this so-called insecticide in a simpler form i.e. beta-D-glucose. These plants have a special enzyme designed to release the benzoxazinoids group when these plants are eaten by insects. This group is toxic for all other kinds of multi-legged freeloaders but not for fall armyworm. With methods such as chromatography, spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance it's found that the armyworm contains an enzyme which helps to reattach the benzoxazinoid group to the sugar molecule but with opposite stereochemical configuration compared to the original plant molecule. The plant can no longer unmask the modified toxin. These armyworms are naturally created chemists, aren't they?    

Fall armyworm

Fall armyworm


Some more facts:

1. Bees inject an acidic compound called melittin which causes pain when they sting.

2. Wasp venom contains traces of acetylcholine, another chemical that stimulates pain receptors.

3. Pheromones are chemical signals that have evolved for communication between members of the same species.

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