The Realm Of Twist - Organometals

 The Realm Of Twist - Organometals

-         By Afsha Izhar

-         Batch(2k18), Deptt. of Chemical Engg.

-         BIT Sindri, Dhanbad

The era of 21st Century is an era of technology and innovations.


But the largest field open to discoveries and creativity is the field of Chemical where elements with novel properties are tweaked to achieve the desired characteristics.

But wait!!!!!

Are you aware of the largest domain open to the flexibility of new bonds and new compounds??????

Well the answer is “Organometallic Chemistry”.

What is Organometallic Chemistry?

      Organometallic Chemistry is a study of compounds containing Metal-Carbon Bonds and reaction involving these bonds.


       The domain of organometallic chemistry also extends to bonds between metals and other common elements of organic chemistry like Metal-Halogen and Metal-Oxygen.

What is the need of Organometallic Chemistry?

Innovation and hum-drum always attract the masses and chemistry is a field where a lot of ups and down can be done. Organometallic Chemistry is a field that extend its wings to Synthetic Flexibility. A lot of new creation can be done by tending the metals for a ride along with new bonds in Organic compounds.

Case-In-Point: -



The establishment of bonds here is something out of the box for it is really unthinkable to twist the electrophile nature of Bromobenzene and create a mind-bending transformation of a potential nucleophile. However, Catalytic Palladium makes it all happen!

Organometallic Chemistry has its best creation of Organometallic Compounds which has made the reactions in overall chemistry a hell lot easy!!

Let’s have a short Discussion on Organometallic Compounds.

Organometallic Compounds:

These are the compounds that has at least one Metal-Carbon bond in which carbon is a part of an organic compound.

EXAMPLE: Grignard Reagent-


Importance of Organometallic Compounds:

       Plays an important role in catalysis and organic synthesis.

  Acts as precursors in preparation of nanomaterials and microelectronic materials.

Properties of Organometallic compounds:

      M-C bond is highly covalent in nature.

       Usually exist in solid state.

      Contains highly electropositive metals.

       Can acts as Reducing Agents.

Important reactions:



       Electron Transfer.

      Carbon-Hydrogen Bond 


       Oxidative Addition.

       Reductive Elimination.


Application of Organometallic Compounds:

  These are used as stoichiometric reagents in both industrial and research-oriented chemical reactions.

 These compounds are employed in bulk hydrogenation process such as production of MARGARINE.

      They are also used in production of light emitting diodes or LEDs.

Standard Organometallic Reaction Types:



       Ligand association/dissociation.

     Oxidative addition/Reductive 


●   Nucleophilic or electrophilic 

      attack at metal.

●   Nucleophilic or electrophilic 

      attack at ligands.


18 Electron Rule:

The rule states that thermodynamically stable transition metal organometallic compounds are formed when the sum of the metal d electrons and the electrons conventionally considered as being supplied by the surrounding ligands equal to 18.

Conditions favouring adherence to the 18-electron rule are: -

1.      Electron rich metal.

2.     Ligands that are good pie acceptors.

18 Electron Rule Vs EAN:


18 electron Rule

EAN Rule


It checks out the stability of Organometallic compound by determining whether it has 18 valence electrons.

It determines the stability by checking whether the central atom of the Organometallic compound has the configuration of a noble gas presents in its respective period.


Describes that having 18 valence electron makes the metal stable

Describes that having a completed electron configuration makes the metal atom stable.


If there is a metal complex having Fe2+ at the center and it has completed 1 electron in the Valence Shell, then the complex is more stable.

If there is a metal complex having Fe2+ at the center and its Ligands donate 12 electrons to this ion, it completes the electron shell of atom of iron and make the complex more stable.


Latest Research on Organometallic Chemistry:

       NH3 formation from N2 and H2 mediated by molecular tri-iron complexes: -

   Reduction of N2 to NH3 is mediated in living systems by the enzyme nitrogenase.

    Reduction of N2 to NH3 is mediated in the chemical industry by the Haber–Bosch process.

    Both the above process requires a catalyst which is newly developed and super effective.


    molecular tri(iron)bis(nitrido) complex, prepared by reduction of a bis(iron)bis(iodo) precursor under an N2 atmosphere.

       A family of lead clusters with precious metal cores: -

    synthesis and characterization of two clusters, [Au8Pb33]6− and [Au12Pb44]12   is discovered.


    Au8 and Au12 cores surrounded by Pb shells


The Study of Organometals are though complicated but it has vital role to play in our daily life. The basic requirement of food that humans eat to the product that we use; everything can be tweaked off using the Organometals. The study of this discipline is key in developing new products and improving those on which people have become dependent.


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